


2023 —
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In early March, TikTok's first AI-powered filter "Bold Glamour" reached over 400 million views and shocked the world with its flawless face-tracking capabilities. The filter replaced every pixel of a person’s face with a standardized beauty image, creating a serious impact on the confidence and self-esteem of its largest users: young girls and women.

Less than 48 hours later, Dove launched #TurnYourBack, a real-time campaign  that invited women to take away the filter’s power by literally turning their backs on it. A powerful gesture that quickly gained traction and spread across the internet.
The movement reached its peak at the Oscars, where Nischelle Turner and Gabrielle Union brought the message to the red carpet. The initiative became a full-scale global campaign, supported by outdoor ads in major markets including the US, UK, Canada, France, Italy, Spain, South Africa, and Brazil.

It sparked an important conversation about beauty standards and generated significant engagement across social media.
Case Study

54% of girls prefer the way they see themselves when their photos are edited.

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Dove has championed wider definitions of beauty.
The Wall Street Journal —
Gabrielle Union at Vanity Fair Oscar After Party

Instagram Carroussel 

Dove is fighting to make social media a more positive place.
Vanity Fair —
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